Thursday, May 2, 2013

Meet Me at the Crossroads

The choices we make define our life. When at a crossroads, we try to consider all risks and benefits that would be found on either path. There comes a point where you just have to trust your heart and jump! Many of you know that I have found myself at a crossroads and have had quite a struggle trying to decipher which path to take. One path (A) was to return to the USA in May as I had initially booked my ticket home for and the other path (B) was to extend my ticket until November to fully take advantage of my working holiday visa that lasts one year. I had a deep down desire to extend my ticket, but there were lots of challenges that made me second-guess my instincts. After working for 3 months at the resort in a secure job and house and then finishing a 2-week road trip exploring the South Island with my French friend Mathilde, I was again uprooting my life and moving into a new state of the Unknown. 
Sitting in the Basket of Dreams atop Queenstown Hill

With Mathilde gone, I knew no one once again. I was moving to a new place where I had no friends, no job, and no clue what was going to happen. I was entering a transitional period so I knew that there was a lot that I was unsure about and that I would have to FULLY trust God to guide my heart and my mind down the right path. Loneliness and anxious thoughts about what to do next filled my mind with insecurity. I cried out to God for help and guidance on an hourly basis. I felt lost, but I always felt God near me. I could sense Him reassuring me that things would work out, but that I may have to wait longer than I had initially wanted. During this transitional period, I was living in a small town called Arrowtown that had a population of 2,000 and reminded me of my hometown of Wolfeboro, NH. It was a great place to be this time of year because of the gorgeous fall scenery. Absolutely stunning! I knew I would not stay here long, but after searching for jobs in the town of Wanaka where I really wanted to be, I felt I had to reevaluate my “plans.” I began looking for jobs in Arrowtown and didn’t have much luck there either. After much prayer and debate, I decided to take a leap of faith and move to Wanaka. No job secured, expenses to be paid, but hopeful. I felt a pull to go to Wanaka and I thought that I mind as well give it a shot! Most places wouldn’t start hiring until beginning of June, so I could potentially not have a job for weeks and have to carefully watch my budget. Even with all of this uncertainty, I am so grateful that God has allowed me to experience this country and bring me into closer relation with Him. I am grateful for these moments of complete loneliness and fear of the Unknown because it has created an inseparable bond between God and I. I fully believe that He is my provider and will take care of me each step of the way.

Overlooking Wanaka, my new residence!
So here I am about to enter a whole new community once again. I am looking forward to getting to know more locals, engage in fellowship, find a place to dance, enjoy local cuisine, and get lost in the gorgeous outdoors.

During the 3 weeks of the transitional period, I have found a nice house to live in with affordable rent. I have even been connected with a gal named Amy who used to live in Asheville and knows some of my friends from home! We will share a room and begin our journey in Wanaka together. I am very much looking forward to this! As I’ve mentioned before, you have to trust the process and all things will be worked out. My patience and hope has been tested in the process, but I feel more hopeful now.

One key factors in this is that we must remain thankful in each phase of our lives. Give thanks for the hardships and struggles; this is what molds you.
Queenstown Hill, taking it all in.

Be Present. The more we focus on the present and what we DO have, the easier it is to make it through the difficult times. It is so hard for us humans to stick to the present moment. We are always analyzing the past and complicating the future with our fears.

One of the greatest lessons this trip has taught me is that is it exciting to not know what exactly is up ahead and to be open to new ideas that you hadn’t previously considered. By doing this you remain open to people, opportunities and God’s will for your life. We also have a tendency to plan out every detail. I have found that as I have ventured through New Zealand, I barely had a plan and things always worked themselves out and usually better than I expected.

So, Let Go. The right path is just ahead of you waiting for you to begin the trek. Trust it.
Surrender and Trust

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